Ocean swim withers and co1

Case Study: Banana Boat Ocean Swim Series

Withers & Co has been working with Scott and the team at the Banan Boat Ocean Swim Series for as long as we can remember, and the list of the products we have supplied is, well, long.

If you have worked in the events industry, sponsored events or participated in events in New Zealand you will (or should!) know at least one of these names, Quantum Events, Banana Boat Ocean Swim Series, or Scott Rice.

We are not sure how to put this subtly (so we won’t lol):

  • Scott Rice is one of the best in the business when it comes to running events in New Zealand.
  • Scott works with Withers & Co.
  • If you are in the event industry or sponsoring events in New Zealand you should probably be working with Withers & Co as well.

Not only are we supplying these custom promotional products into the Banana Boat Ocean Swim Series, but Withers & Co are also in the trenches, on the tools you might say, helping Scott run the events, see if you can “Where’s Wally” Janelle in the photos below.

As we mentioned the list of products we have supplied over the years is straight-up massive, so we have focused on a few things you probably wouldn’t normally associate Withers & Co with supplying.

Swim Caps
Event Merchandise
Fence Wrap (double layer) used to create Changing Rooms
Giant Inflatable Archways
Course Marker Buoys
Branded Tents

The relationship with Banana Boat Ocean Swim has extended to their sponsors where we have supplied branded merchandise and appeal to Banana Boat, The Interislander, Generation Homes and many more.